Spoštovani klubi, spoštovani plesalci,
glede na skoraj nične preliminarne prijave in klice ter maile, ki smo jih prejeli glede organizacije SP v Celju, glede na rastoče številke okuženih in temno rdečo obarvanost Slovenije na evropskem covid semaforju ter možnost ponovnega zaprtja države je Plesna zveza Slovenije – sekcija za moderne tekmovalne please
žal primorana odpovedati Svetovno prvenstvo v HH, BD in EB v Celju.
Hvala za razumevanje.
Fiona Johnson
Predsednica IO MTP pri PZS
Tukaj pa še uradni mednarodni dopis:
Dear Presidium members,
Dear IDO National member organizations,
Thank you all for your inputs, honest words and thoughts about the organization and participation at the IDO World Hiphop Championships that should be done in Celje, Slovenia.
Based on the preliminary enrolments by e-mail and actual enrolments on the IDO Web-site today, the board of IDO department at Plesna Zveza Slovenije can see that in no way this could be a regular and valid WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. We would not have countries that normally are attending, our overseas members have problems with travel and many problems getting a visa etc.
Also, the fact that Slovenia is dark red and that the numbers are rising every day is not comforting information. Our Prime minister has announced on Twitter yesterday that his party is thinking about another lock down. So, it can come to a very unpleasant situation, if this happens just days before or during the competition.
We feel that we did our best and wanted to support IDO and its members in many ways, but at the end it comes to protecting our dancers and not putting them in an unknown situation.
Our final decision is to CANCEL the event and wish for better times.
Hope you will all understand the most difficult situation that we are in and that this was not an easy decision to make.
Hope to see you soon at another competition in Slovenia,
Kind regards,
Fiona Johnson
President of IDO department at Plesna Zveza Slovenije